A harrowing tale of personal dorkitude at the National Spelling Bee
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Eliot Spitzer enjoys making jam
Sometimes I talk about Mark Zuckerberg and hunting
The schlepping of food and why that’s bad
Sometimes I make sausage with ex-drag queens
Wherein Josh Kilmer-Purcell (of The Fabulous Beekman Boys) and I make sausage from scratch. There is video that did not make it past the show’s censors.
Pouring whiskey in the wound
A recent Eatocracy piece about eating and drinking after 9/11 and how I commemorated the news of Osama bin Laden’s death.
Pouring whiskey in the wound
Sometimes I interview Ferran Adria
Sometimes I go to Taco Bell
In light of both the class action lawsuit alleging that Taco Bell’s “seasoned beef” is in fact insufficiently beefy and the USDA’s new dietary guidelines, Newsroom’s Kyra Phillips and I chatted about the role of personal responsibility when it comes to your nutritional intake. (That is assuming that you’re lucky enough to have a choice in the matter.)